What wonderful weather we have had and long may it last. It was fantastic to see so many parents attend our pupil focus evening on Monday. If you did not come and talk to your child’s class teacher but would like to, please make an appointment.
Massive congratulations and thanks to all of our intrepid relay runners who put their trainers on last weekend and raised money as they ran around the Island. Sponsorship is still coming in – more information next week. Last weekend also saw our first car boot sale. The sun shone and a good number of sellers set out their stalls. We are considering holding our next one on a Friday after school, so start clearing out your cupboards.
Whilst you are clearing out, do you have any good quality labelled clothes that you no longer want? We are planning a fund raising ‘ladies’ evening on Friday 13th November and would be grateful for donations. If you have aspired to being a model and strutting your stuff on the cat walk let me know.
Our MacMillan coffee morning (and after School) was a fantastic success and raised £118.00. Many thanks to all of the Star bakers and buyers!
[gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2nd-October.pdf”] [gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/FIRST-CLASS-FREE.docx”] [gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IOWSCB-Esafety-workshop-for-parents-and-carers-23-November-2015-poster.pdf”]
[gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/OE-Poster-September-2015.pdf”]
[gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Sandown-Bay-Academy-Open-Evening.pdf”]