
For all information regarding Safeguarding please click here

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Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lennon

Senior Administrator: Mrs Debbie Pelosi

Telephone: 01983 740285



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We would welcome your feedback about our school.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Issue 21, 13th February, 2015, Brighstone Buzz

Goodness gracious it is half term already! What a great opportunity to make the most of the lighter mornings, evenings and hopefully improved weather. I am looking forward to going out for a long walk and looking at the snowdrops. If we are lucky, a week off will also allow everyone who has been feeling under the weather to rest and feel better so that  we can get these horrible bugs under control.

Tuesday was Internet safety day and the children were learning about different ways that they can keep themselves safe in the world in which we live. I found myself reflecting on the differences between today and when I was their age! Televisions took up more room, telephones were attached to the wall and I would have thought the World Wide Web belonged to a huge fishing Company! It can be hard to keep up with it sometimes. If you would like more information about Internet safety please see the flier attached.

It has been brought to my attention this week that we owe our boys football team an apology as they not only played in last week’s tournament but they won! They were presented with a trophy in this morning’s golden assembly. My thanks go out to Mrs Snow, Mr Hall and Mrs Pugh who gave up their time to support the boys and girls team, as well as the children and their parents.

I wish you all a super half term holiday and look forward to seeing you on Monday 23rd February 🙂 x

13th February

Aladdin during Half Term

Community Learning Festival

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World Book Day – 2 page posters

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Parent Survey – Feedback

“Brighstone School is an excellent school. Very happy with the progress my child is making”

“My child has come on in leaps and bounds and has massively surprised me. I am very happy.”

Thanks to all parents who took part in our recent Parent Questionnaire. We are proud to report that 100% of parents who responded said that their child is happy and feels safe at our school. The responses this year also show an overall improvement in the school’s performance in meeting particular pupils’ needs, supporting learning, receiving information about progress and dealing with bullying – and it was great to see that you feel we are good at keeping you well informed.

Our thanks to all parents who completed the questionnaire.