I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year from everyone at Brighstone Primary School. We hope that you all had a fantastic and relaxing Christmas and wish you all the best for 2016.
Our first Golden Worship of the New Year celebrated the wide range of achievements that took place just before or over the Christmas break. We have been a very busy bunch at Brighstone resulting in a varied selection of achievements to celebrate.
Our Key Stage 2 swimming programme started today. Twenty year 3 and 4 children went to West Wight to develop their water and swimming skills. They were all impeccably behaved as we would expect.
Reception Class, year 5 and year 6 have all settled into their new classrooms and we are exceedingly happy to welcome pre-school into the school building. We are currently planning an open event which will enable the whole community to come and see what we have done. We will let you know the date as soon as possible.
If you have children that will be starting school this September or you know anyone who does, please be advised that the closing date for applications is Midnight on the 15th January. The School welcomes visits from prospective parents, please call Suzanne or Melissa to book an appointment. The weather forecast for the coming week predicts that the temperature will fall so please make sure that your child has a named coat with them.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Mrs Street
2772ETL Football coaching-Dec 2015