Dear Parents
Another busy week has passed and the sunshine and warmth appears! Next week is a very important week for the school as our Year 6 pupils sit the SATs tests. Whilst they are deemed very important it is essential that we put into perspective that as long as the pupils try their best that is all we can ask of them and we should all be immensely proud of how hard they have all worked and celebrate the progress and the achievements all the pupils have made in their time at the school. They are a great bunch, Good luck to all of them!
This week you received a copy of our latest OFSTED report. The school has been given a Requires Improvement judgement and this means that over the next 2 years the school has to get to good. HMI (Her Majesties Inspectorate) will be working very closely with the school and the Local Authority to ensure the school gets to good. Work has already begun and I am working closely with Mrs Fox, the staff and the governing body to ensure we get there as soon as we can. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Year 3. We are really excited to let you know that we have a permanent new teacher for the class. Miss Lucy Peto will be starting with us after half term. Miss Peto will stay with Year 3 into Year 4 and will be their teacher next year. Miss Peto will be coming in on Thursday May 26th to meet the class and to meet parents if you wish from 2:30. Miss Peto is a Newly Qualified Teacher who trained at Chichester university and did part of her training at Barton Primary School with me this year. She will be a very good member of our team and look forward to welcoming her to our school.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Snow
2016 Carbon Copy Coffee morning – Parents Voice flyer Pottery Workshops