Dear Parents and Carers,
There can only be one headline this week – What a fantastic day we had at the beach on Tuesday!
Our whole school beach day was a huge success and it was lovely to share it with so many parents.
Today our year 4, 5 and 6 children were treated to some science enrichment workshop activities that were organised through Oxford University. This was an exciting opportunity to experience hands on science, they created explosions, batteries using lemons and potatoes, and simulated a digestive system. In the words of one of the children ‘It was great we made poo!’ Thank you Mrs Denness for arranging this for the children.
Your child’s annual school report is being sent out today, we have kept the same format as last year to ensure there is continuity with their record of achievement. On Thursday 13th July 2017 there will be an opportunity for you to meet with the class teachers to discuss any concerns or questions that you might have. If you are happy with your child’s report, you do not need to make an appointment for a meeting.
We are looking forward to our annual Summer Sizzler tomorrow, I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox