Dear parents and carers,
Our Collective Worship theme this half term is generosity, and it has been wonderful to see everyone’s generosity this week during our Harvest Festival. Children have brought in so many tins and packets of food that we had to bring out another table in the church to display them on!
These are all going to the Food Bank, so we would like to say a huge thank you to you all for your very kind donations, which I know will be very greatly received by those in need.
Within each bubble’s Harvest Festival, each class performed a piece to the rest of their bubble. We had drama, songs, dances and poetry, all around the theme of Harvest. Even though parents were sadly unable to attend the services due to the current restrictions, photos will be shared on our school’s Facebook page.
We would like to thank Peter, Andy and Keith for their help over these few days in leading the services and playing their guitars!
We are delighted to have been awarded the Music Mark ‘in recognition of a commitment to providing a high quality music education for all children and young people’.
We know that our Y3 children always enjoy experiencing learning a brass instrument with Mr Stroud, and it is always a delight when they perform for us throughout the year. This year’s Y3 children had their first experience with their brass instruments this afternoon. I had the privilege of hearing them and I couldn’t believe that it was only their first lesson!
Mr Stroud is part of a team of peripatetic music teachers who teach individual and small group lessons for brass, keyboard, violin and guitar. We are in the process of finding out which children who currently access lessons wish to continue with these (if you haven’t yet returned your form, we would appreciate this as soon as possible), and then we will be able to see if there are any spaces available if your child wishes to start learning.
Next week sees Shift It Active Travel week, in which children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school. It is a known fact that being active has a positive impact on our physical and mental health, and coming to school in an active way sets children up for learning. See the box below, as well as the separate attachment, for further information.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend in the autumnal sunshine, and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.
From Mrs Lennon and the Brighstone team