Dear parents and carers,
Our Collective Worship theme this week, as part of our half term focus of Compassion, is ‘Putting on the right attitude’. We have been talking about how we can choose to put on the right attitude, just like we put on our clothes in the morning.
We can choose to show compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. It has been wonderful to see so many children showing compassion this week, helping each other in the classrooms and when playing outside.
This week, the children have also been creating cards, writing letters and drawing pictures for members of the community who may be feeling lonely during this
second lockdown, or who may just need a little pick-me-up. We will quarantine these for a few days before they will be popped in the post. We would like to thank the local Brighstone community group for their help with this.
We are also showing compassion for those members of the Brighstone school community who are having to self-isolate at the moment. As you know, we were informed of a positive Covid case at school yesterday, and Bubble 1 are now self-isolating until Monday 30th November. We would like to thank everyone for their understanding, and I know that the teachers and LSAs in their bubble have been busy preparing lots of home learning activities for the children. The children are also very excited to be seeing their teachers on Zoom! We send our best wishes and prayers to the family with the positive case, and we hope that they make a speedy recovery.
We have been focusing a lot on independence in school, and the children have been learning and practising lots of strategies to help them to build and develop their independent learning behaviours. We are also encouraging them to be more independent out of school. This can include: carrying their own school bag and other belongings; tidying their room; helping with chores around the house; doing their homework; and so on. Maybe you can discuss with your child other ways in which they could show independence?
Once again, I would like to thank everyone for their understanding this week, and I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend.
Best wishes, Mrs Lennon and the Brighstone team