It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I cannot believe that we are almost in December. I have my advent calendar ready and preparations will soon start in earnest at Brighstone Primary! However, before we deck the hall with boughs of holly we are going to fill it with the inflatable planetarium. To conclude our topic on space we are all going to take a trip to the stars next Friday! This will mean that there is no Golden Worship next week, but we look forward to welcoming you again on Friday 11th December.
Congratulations go to our football teams as they are in enviable form at the moment. We have had 2 wins in the last week – Play up Brighstone.
We had a fantastic time last Friday, thanks again to all those who supported the event, the final total is still being calculated but we are already near the £1,000 mark.
You may have noticed that the new building work is almost complete. The final top coating is being completed and then we are finished!
STOP PRESS – Would you like to win £100 – see below for our fantastic raffle prizes – tickets can be purchased from Suzanne/Melissa NOW!
Mrs. K. Street
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