Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the end of term, I would like to thank all of the staff, children and parents for the focus they have given to our acts of kind-ness. We would like to acknowledge this together as a whole school. On Monday 17th December our whole school worship will be a celebra-tion of the pledges of kindness that have been made; we would like to invite parents to join us for this.
We have had an eventful and stimulating week of learning. The children in Year 1 and 2 spent time den building and creating ephemeral art in Bouldnor Forest. Our Christingle making was very successful, followed by the service in church on Wednesday – it was fantastic to have the help and support of parents for this. It has also been a very musical week; we were treated to a carol concert by the pupils who learn to play the piano and the guitar – thank you to Judith and Rob for their supportive tuition and dedication to the school. The choir gave a very moving performance for the residents at Brighstone Grange, thank you to Mrs Jones, who has worked so hard on rehearsals to enable the children to have the opportunity to sing as part of the Christmas Choir. Well done to all of the children at Brighstone for their achievements and hard work. They have shown so much stamina, enthusiasm and energy as they have continued with the Christmas preparations and their learning.
Next week the events continue – we have our celebration of kindness on Monday morning at 8.35am, Mr Stroud has very kindly offered to come into school on Tuesday morning at 8.35am to hold a short assembly so that his pupils who learn a Brass instrument can perform for the rest of the school, parents are welcome to attend on both days. We have our school nativity play – ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ on Tuesday and Wednesday. A reminder that the last day of school this term for the pupils is Thursday 20th December; we have an INSET day on Friday.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have already returned your Parent Questionnaires. They are one of the many ways that the school can receive feedback and it is important that we are able to reflect on the way in which we do things to support our chil-dren and parents. If you have not done so already, please do try to return it. Spare copies are available from the office.
I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the various events across the final week of term.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
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