Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have continued to think about our learning behaviours, the focus has been on resourcefulness. The children have been encouraged to face up to challenges and try different ways of overcoming difficulty. I would like to say well done to all of the children; they have been very positive, eager and enthusiastic about their learning.
I would like to congratulate Year 4 (Cherry Class) on their excellent attendance this week. Despite all of the various winter illnesses that are affecting people, they achieved 100% attendance. Good school attendance has a positive impact on the attitude that the children have towards their learning. Missing school on a regular basis will affect the motivation, enjoyment and confidence that children have towards school.
Thank you to all of the children who have sent in their designs for the ‘Be seen Be safe’ cycle helmet competition; we had a fantastic number of colourful, imaginative and creative entries. Working in collaboration with Nicky Metcalf, who is going to be supporting our children next half-term with our school’s ‘Active Travel Project’, we will be judging them and awarding prizes.
On Monday some of our Year 5 & 6 children took part in the Indoor Athletics Finals at Cowes Enterprise College. It was a great achievement for them to succeed in their heat and get through to the finals. The competition was fierce as it was against the winning schools from across the island; on this occasion they came tenth. They competed with a great sense of team spirit and sportsmanship. Well done to all of them and thank you to the parents who helped and supported them.
The final school INSET day for this year will be on Monday 23rd July 2018. This means that last day of school before the summer holidays will be Friday 20th July 2018.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox