Dear Parents and Carers,
The children have settled back in well to the daily routines of school life and I have been impressed by their excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitude to their learning. Thank you to all of the parents that came along to our Meet and Greet evening on Tuesday, your involvement with the children’s learning is very much appreciated.
Our year 6 children have applied for and been given their roles and responsibilities in school. They have taken on the process with a great sense of maturity, responsibility and purpose. Their letters of application clearly show that they have put a lot of thought into it and that they have a desire to do well. Next week in Golden Worship we will present them with their badges and invite their parents to join us. We would like to congratulate Billy on his successful application to be Head Boy, Leo as Deputy Head Boy and to Hannah and Macy, who are taking on a shared responsibility as Head Girl. All of the year 6 children will have roles and are going to support in a number of aspects of school life, we have discussed with the children how important every role is and that everyone has a part to play in our school. That everyone working together makes Brighstone ‘a small school where big things happen’.
On Tuesday we welcomed Kevin McNamara into school, he shared ‘A Pier’s Tale’ with our Year 5 and 6 children. They spent a whole day focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities linked into the history, construction and restoration of Yarmouth Pier. As the day went on the complexity and pace of the construction challenges increased, requiring the children to draw on a range of skills including teamwork and problem solving. We would like to thank Kevin for sharing the project with us.
If you have any questions about your child’s learning please do not hesitate to speak to your class teacher or myself. I am in the playground most mornings and I am happy to speak to you informally or to arrange an appointment.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
Cream tea 2018 October Half Term 2018.