Dear Parents and Carers,
‘Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the Universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.’ Stephen Hawking. We have concluded our worship themes on Courage by thinking about overcoming our fears and facing challenges – it was therefore very timely to welcome Sam Whittaker from Space Camp UK into school to share some work of the Stephen Hawking
Foundation with the children in Key Stage 2. During the worship time the children reflected on the vastness of the Universe and considered some of the theoretical physics behind our understanding of Space. This was then followed by a morning of activities and challenges for the children in year 3 and 4. Well done to everyone for showing great enthusiasm, engagement and curiosity, we would like to thank Sam and the Stephen Hawking Foundation for providing the opportunity.
As half-term approaches, the days are noticeably getting longer. Even the daffodils are beginning to show through. By the time we return to school at the end of February, Spring will be well on its way, our thoughts will begin to turn to preparations for the season of Lent. After the success of our kindness project leading up to Christmas, we are encouraging the children to think about their actions through a project that we are calling ‘Let your light shine.’ This encourages acts of kindness and love during the 40 days of lent – there will be more information
available during our first week back but we do hope that you will all support the children as they seek to live out the school’s core values of Love, Courage and Respect in their day to day lives.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
Cupcakes and Anxiety tea party
Tennis – Feb+Poster+FB+2019+copy