Welcome back, I hope that you all had a lovely half term holiday. The mornings and evenings are getting lighter so there is no doubt that spring has sprung!
On that note, I would like to say a big bouncy well done to our Small Leadership Team wellbeing group who are working remarkably hard to arrange the Leap Day activities that are planned. Next Monday will see each year group taking part in various activities to include Bouncy Castle leaping, all of the sponsorship and mufti money collected is going towards our new playground and buildings.
Next week also brings the excitement of World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Children have been invited to come in dressed as their favourite book character and lessons will be book themed on the day.
I have received a lovely letter from Reverend Helen this week in which she has asked me to pass on her thanks for the lovely cards, messages and gifts that she received and has purchased a new cassock. She is missing us all but has settled in well.
The end of Phase 2 school reports were sent home on Thursday/Friday this week and reminders re parent consultations are being sent as I sit here writing. If you have not yet booked an appointment but would like to please contact Suzanne and Melissa in the Office.
It was lovely to walk around the building after school yesterday and see all of the children enjoying themselves in the various clubs. Over 100 children are taking part in this half terms activity which includes several new clubs.
Last but not least a reminder that this half term is short and that we also break up on Thursday 24th March. Mrs. Street.
ACT Participant Register-Brighstone1 Beyond the Hoop
Fantastic Plastic
Primary-Flyer Small Wonders
Vacancy Announcement – Churches