Dear Parents and Carers,
We are now half way through this half term. Our school year seems to be going by very quickly.
Last weekend our Year 4 children went on a residential trip to Little Canada in Wootton. They had an amazing time and were a pleasure to be with. They had the opportunity to try a number of problem solving and adventure activities; all of the staff were impressed by the resilience and resourcefulness that the children showed. Well done to all of them.
At the end of this term our Year 5 children have the opportunity to take part in Zacchaeus – The Musical. They will be joining children from four other schools in West Wight, along with an adult choir. They have been working very hard on their rehearsals – they sound fantastic. The event is to raise funds for West Wight Sports Centre; it takes place on Tuesday 4th April from 6.30pm – 7.30 pm. Please do come along and support them, we have tickets on sale in the school office.
As we are approaching the end of this term, there will be an opportunity for parents to come along to a Coffee and Chat session. This will be an open forum for parents to come along and discuss the things we have been doing as a school and to share ideas. There will be two sessions for each Key Stage. For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 they will be at 8.30am or 6.00pm on Tuesday 28th March 2017 and for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 they will be at 8.30am or 6.00pm on Thursday 30th March 2017. I do hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us.
On Sunday 26th March it is Mothering Sunday, we would like to invite any of the children that would like to take part in the service to join in by helping with singing, prayers and readings.
We would like to say a huge thank you to West Wight Rotary Club for their generous donation of £1000 – this money is going towards the purchase of some iPads that will be used on a rota basis in all classes. We have explored a range of applications that will enhance all areas of the curriculum.
I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox