Dear Parents/carers,
Can I firstly thank the children and staff for warmly welcoming me into school this week. It has been a privilege to meet everyone and very slowly I am learning everyone’s names. As I walk around the school it is clear that we have a very determined hard working staff that are fully committed to giving your children the best opportunities they can.
The children are amazing; they are a real credit to you as parents.
As you will be aware over time there will be a few changes that will occur in school to help refine the day to day running of the school. I ask for your patience as some of the changes will inevitably have a few teething problems. But rest assured these changes will be made to ensure that the school provision is the best it can be for the pupils. If you have any questions about anything you would like to discuss with me please contact Suzanne or Melissa to make an appointment.
Next Wednesday and Thursday the recruitment process to find the permanent Head Teacher culminates in interviews. We have five shortlisted candidates. The Governing body supported by HANTs will run these two days which hopefully will be an exciting and positive time for the school. Staff and pupils will be involved in the process.
As we look ahead to the rest of the summer term there will be many exciting opportunities for the children and parents to be involved in. I am very much looking forward to being part of these activities. Keep an eye out in the Buzz for more information.
Mr Snow
Interim Head Teacher
2859PLA Run Wight Junior Challenge 2016-poster
Poster Quiz Night Poster
Youth 5aside Football Tournaments 2016