Dear Parents and Carers,
Where has this school year gone? It seems like only yesterday that we were making all of our Autumn term preparations for Harvest and Christmas and now we are building up to the final week of the Summer Term.
Well done to all of the Year 4 and 5 children, who shared their work from their drama lessons with the Reception and Key Stage 1 children on Thursday. Thank you to the parents that came along and supported the children. Congratulations to Amélie for writing and directing her version of Cinderella.
Excitement is building as the final rehearsals take place for our end of year school production. If you have not requested tickets yet, please contact Suzanne. Also next week, there will be an opportunity for those children who have been learning a brass or woodwind instrument with Mr Stroud to perform to parents and the rest of the school. Their mini ‘recital’ will be on Thursday 19th July at 2.00pm and we are looking forward to hearing them play, they have made excellent progress this year.
I would like to politely remind parents that dogs should not be brought on to the school playground. I realise that many people are fond of them but there are some children who are scared of them or allergic to them. Thank you for your support and cooperation with this.
I look forward to seeing some of you at the Horticultural Show this weekend. I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
2018 Parade poster Isle of Wight Sports Club (6)
pearls invitation 2018
NOTICE – Privilege Seat Application Window – 2018-19 –