Dear Parents and Carers,
‘No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.’ Aesop
Our theme for worship this half term has been exploring the quality of generosity linked to our school values of ‘Love, Courage and Respect.’ We have thought about giving to each other through the things that we do: – love, money, gifts and our time.
Yet again, this week we have seen generosity in action in a number of ways. Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to all of the parents that supported the children in Key Stage 2 with the Inter School Cross Country. Without the help of transport it would have been very difficult for us to take part as a school, the generosity of sharing lifts and time meant that children could participate alongside over 500 other children. Each year group had a girls’ team and a boys’ team. The effort was amazing, the children showed great sportsmanship, stamina and perseverance. Two of our teams came 6th, this is an incredible achievement against up to 20 other teams. We would like to like to say a special well done to Olivia Matthews who ran twice for Year 4. Well done to the children and thank you to the parents.
Still on the theme of generosity, we would like to appeal to parents for the gift of their time. At the moment in Key Stage 2, we have a number of volunteers that read with the children. However, in Key Stage 1 we are short of volunteers. If you can spare some time during an afternoon to read with the children in Year 1 and 2, this would be much appreciated. Parents, grandparents and friends of the school do not need to have a child in Key Stage 1 – simply the willingness to spend time reading with the children. We apologise that the appeal is for afternoons only. Mornings remain a key focus for phonics, numeracy and literacy and we need to maintain the continuity for the children throughout the morning.
Following on from our parent information sessions on Homework and Spelling, we intend to hold sessions on Reading and Phonics. The first of these sessions will be on Friday 10th November at 2.15pm. There will be also be an information point linked to Reading and Phonics in the school library during the Parent Consultation Evenings on Tuesday 14th November and Wednesday 15th November from 3.00pm – 6.00pm. I will be based there during this time to answer any queries that parents wish to raise.
In the meantime, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to speak to me in the playground, I am always happy to make appointments to meet with parents.
I hope you have an enjoyable half-term break.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
Bell ringing
October half term
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