Dear Parents,
With only one week left until half-term it is wonderful to go around school and see such a purposeful and hardworking atmosphere. The children are very eager to share their learning with each other and with visitors to their classrooms, it is pleasing to see them taking pride in their achievements.
This week our year five and six girls played two football matches: one against Bembridge Primary and the other against Carisbrooke Primary. Their behaviour, sportsmanship and team spirit were exemplary. We would like to say a fantastic well done to them as they won both matches. The score was 3 – 0 against Bembridge and 4 – 0 against Carisbrooke.
During this coming week our Year 6 House Captains: Sienna, James, Nat and Ben will be organising an Inter-House Tag-Rugby competition. They will be assisted by our Sport Ambassadors: Felix, Henry, Max, Aidan, Annabelle and Isobel. This will be the first of a number of new Inter-House competitions that they will be organising this year.
Please can I kindly ask that parents do not take photographs during our Golden Worship on Friday mornings? Not all children have permission for their photograph to be taken in school and we cannot guarantee that in a full hall these children have not been inadvertently photographed.
Once again I would like to ask you all to consider standing for the vacancy that we have for a Parent Governor. As a school community we are all working together to improve the outcomes for our children and this would be a great opportunity to be involved as we move forward. If you are interested and would like to know more about the role, I would be very happy to talk it through with you.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox