Dear Parents and Carers,
As our half-term draws to a close, I would like to ask everyone to reflect on something that they are thankful for. Our worship theme of ‘Thankfulness’ has encouraged the children to explore different aspects of being thankful through our core values of ‘Love, Courage and Respect’. This week has probably been the most challenging as we have been thinking about how we can still give thanks even when we may dislike something or find a situation difficult.
Today we have said farewell to Mrs Newman, she has been with us as a Teaching Assistant for nearly a year and we are very grateful to her for all of the work that she has been doing with the children during that time. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you and to wish her the very best for the future. In order to ensure continuity of provision for the children, Mrs Lincoln is going to support in Year 5 and 6 as an HLTA in the mornings and continue in her role as SENCo during the afternoons. We also had a vacancy for an LSA that was advertised earlier this half-term, the interviews took place on Monday and as soon as the new appointment has been finalised, we will share this with children and parents.
Next half-term we have our Parent Consultation Evenings on Monday 26th November and Tuesday 27th November 2018. Some teachers will be offering both dates, depending on the size of their class, while others will be offering one evening. Nearer the time booking sheets will be available in the school office with the dates and times for specific classes. We would like to reassure parents that if they are unable to make an appointment at the times on offer, their child’s class teacher will be prepared to meet with them at an alternative time. We would like to encourage all parents to take the opportunity to meet with the class teacher as this is a valuable way of being updated on progress and attainment for the term. In the meantime, if there is anything that you would like to discuss about your child’s education please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher or me.
Finally, I would like to say congratulations to every class as they have all had at least one week this half-term with 100% attendance. Especially, well done to Year 2 for achieving this for four weeks in a row.
I hope you have an enjoyable half-term break.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
19th October Issue 7
Board Games Club for Families_Half Term_poster 26 Oct 2018
October Half Term 2018 Poster+October+2018
Spooky Half Term at Roman Villa