Time flies when you are having fun. September has zipped by, October has slipped by just as quickly and we have reached the half term break already! It has been a very busy seven weeks and an equally jam packed half term awaits.
[gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/22nd-October1.pdf”] [gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Halloween-Costume-Safety-Leaflet1.pdf”] [gview file=”https://www.brighstoneprimary.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/October-2015-Guide-FIZ1.pdf”]When we return our whole school focus is Space, a topic which I am particularly looking forward to and our Collective Worship focus will be Trust. Alongside this will be all of the usual Christmas Festivities and to add to the fun our new classrooms should be completed!
My thanks go to all of you who have passed on your best wishes for the Big Day on Saturday! If you could keep your fingers crossed for good weather from approx. 10.30am I would be grateful. I will be changing my name after half term and so will become Mrs. Street however I think it will take a little getting used to, so if I don’t answer the first time bear with me! On discussing the wedding with individual children this week, many of their comments and words of wisdom have made me smile. I wanted to share the pearls of wisdom that will stick with me throughout Saturday: ‘don’t forget to smile, It’s important even when people step on your toe’, ‘remember not to eat too much or the dress might not fit through the church door’ and ‘don’t forget that you belong to us even when you are not Ms. Hall anymore’. With those words I think the planning is complete!
Finally I want to wish you all a fun filled half term, stay safe and have a lovely time. We return to school on Monday 2nd November and I look forward to seeing you then. For the last time – Ms Hall.