Dear Parents and Carers,
We have explored our core values of Love, Courage and Respect with the children this week through our work on Anti-Bullying. I would like to say a huge well done to the children in year 6 and year 5 who helped to prepare and deliver worship on Tuesday. They did a thought provoking presentation that encouraged the other children to consider the themes around friendship and how it could help to combat bullying. We will continue this in our PSHE on Friday afternoons for the next few weeks.
Thank you to all of the parents who attended our Parent Consultation Evenings this week. It was good to have so many of you sharing your child’s learning with the teachers. If you were unable to attend and have not met with your child’s teacher or you have further questions about your child’s progress, please contact the school office or the teacher directly to arrange an appointment.
This Friday was the first opportunity for the children in Key Stage 2 to attend the Homework Club we are running on a Friday afternoon for a trial period. There are two more Fridays this half term 24th Nov and 1st Dec from 2.45pm and 3.30pm. All children in Years 3 4, 5 and 6 are welcome to attend.
As a school we are committed to Safeguarding and are continually reviewing our practice, with this in mind we would like to review our collection arrangements for children at the end of the day. If your child is being collected by someone other than an adult with registered parental responsibility for the child or an adult listed on the data collection form (eg: known grandparent), please could parents/guardians ensure that the class teacher and office are aware of this change. We realise that on some occasions children are returning home to play with friends and are collected by one set of parents, we would still politely request that we are informed of this to avoid any confusion. Please do not be offended if the teacher or member of staff asks for confirmation of the arrangements, our primary concern is the safety and welfare of your child. We would like to thank all parents who have supported us with this over the past week.
I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
17th November
mini tree comp For notice boards 2017
Short Breaks cardholders Archaeology Club