Dear Parents and Carers,
It is hard to believe that Christmas is only a month away and that we are already four weeks into this half-term. Every week is packed with a wide range of activities that enhance and broaden the learning experience for the children. Earlier this week the children in year 3 and 4
hosted a fantastic Poetry, Coffee and Cake morning. We would like to thank all of the parents that came along and supported the children – the quality of the work that the children shared was excellent and we are looking forward to their collection of poems being put together as a class book.
On Wednesday the children in years 3, 4 and 5 were not deterred by the blustery conditions as they took their learning outside the classroom. They set off on a walk that took them all the way up to the Long Stone where they explored activities linked to art and geography. Thank you to all the adults involved that made the day possible.
Over the next few weeks our preparations for Christmas are going to be well underway. One of the events that we would like to invite parents to be involved with is the Christingle Service. This will be instead of a Eucharist and is to be in the church on Wednesday 13th December at 8.40am all parents, family and friends are welcome to join us. We will be making Christingles with the children during the afternoon on
Tuesday 12th December and would like to invite parents to come in to help the children make their Christingle from 2.00pm onwards. We do hope that you will be able to come along.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
24th November Second WAVE Paper Flakes GP