Hello to all who are considering joining our Reception class intake of 2025!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to our school family. You will find lots of information about our school on this website, and you can also visit our school Facebook page for news and photos. If you have any questions, please do contact us as we are happy to help.
Every day is an open day! If would like to book a tour of the school with the headteacher or another member of staff, please call (01983 740285) or email the office (office@brighstoneprimary.org.uk).
At Brighstone CE Primary School, our intention is to encourage and support children to be happy, excited learners, who are confident to take risks and have built good friendships. They will have long, uninterrupted periods of play in a well-resourced and organised learning environment, with adults who know them well and who can support them to take the next steps in their learning.
They will be taught and guided through new learning, enabling them to have new experiences and develop new interests and skills.
Our aim is that during their Reception year at school, all children will:
· Feel safe and happy at school.
· Develop strong positive relationships with their peers, the staff and the wider school family.
· Show an awareness of how to care for themselves by toileting, handwashing and changing their clothes independently.
· Develop their gross and fine motor control, to ensure core strength for sitting up, and fine motor muscle for handling tools and pencils comfortably and successfully.
· Enjoy listening and responding to stories, poems, songs and music.
· Learn to read the first set of sounds within the Read Write Inc programme, and read simple words confidently.
· Begin to form these letters and use their phonic knowledge to write words and attempt captions and short sentences.
· Count confidently to at least 20, and develop good number sense of numbers to 10.
· Talk with confidence to a group or the whole class, showing awareness of the listeners and answering questions.
Transition into Reception
From January onwards, children in our on-site preschool come into the Reception classroom to get to know the environment and adults. This helps them to develop their confidence and independence, so when they join us in September, they are ready for Reception!
Mrs Cousins (class teacher) and Mrs Jones (Family Liaison Officer) carry out home visits in the summer term, to get to know you as a parent, as well as your child in their familiar environment. This is a valuable opportunity for you to share any further information that you feel we need to know, as well as for you to ask any questions.
Parents’ Information Meeting
An informal parents meeting takes place each summer term, which gives parents the opportunity to come and meet the staff, see the learning environments and find out more about our school. Welcome Packs are handed out at this meeting, which contain information about the school day, the uniform, snacks and meals at school and what to expect.
There is also the opportunity to talk with Mrs Cousins (class teacher), Mrs Lennon (Headteacher) and Mrs Jones (Family Liaison Officer and Designated Safeguarding Lead). You are always welcome to arrange a meeting to meet with us on another occasion.
Stay and Play Session
We also have stay and play sessions, to which children and parents came along and spend time exploring the environment together.
School Move Up Day
Our school move up day takes place during the summer term. During this morning, each cohort moves up to their new class to meet the teachers and have a transition session. Our new Reception children come to this session by themselves, to spend a morning in school.
Please see the letters for further information:
School-Aged Immunisation
The attached leaflet provides information about the role of the School Aged Immunisation Team, along with details of the routine vaccinations which will be offered throughout your child’s school life: Immunisation information for parents and carers
We look forward to seeing you soon!