At Brighstone Primary School we are committed to inspiring, challenging and safeguarding our pupils and enabling them to become:
• Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve;
• Confident, happy individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as ‘Designated Safeguarding Officers’ in school in compliance with the sharing of information guidance. We also have two Y6 Pupil Safeguarding Leads.
Everyone at Brighstone Primary School is responsible for safeguarding. The members of staff with overall responsibility for safeguarding are as follows:
- Mrs Melissa Jones – Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs Rebecca Lennon – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs Lucy Aram – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (currently on maternity leave)
- Mrs Sarah Turvill – Governor Safeguarding Lead
We have a dedicated email address:
We have the following Safeguarding measures in place at Brighstone;
Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
In the event of a safeguarding concern, staff are required to create an entry in the system, ‘MyConcern’. MyConcern is the school system tool for reporting safeguarding/child protection concerns and behaviour incidents.
Each member of staff and governor is issued with login details and they can report any concerns or behaviour issues directly to the system. This system allows the DSL to track safeguarding cases, assign staff members with actions and see the case through to closure.
MyConcern is easy to use; it is a safe and secure web based software, which means staff can report a concern from any device and anywhere that has access to the internet.
If a member of the wider school community has a concern about a child or member of staff at our school, they can contact the safeguarding team on 01983 740285 or safeguarding@
All lateness and absences are recorded by the class teachers and the office administrator. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored through these systems and parents and carers will always be informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point. If attendance concerns continue, the school may refer to the Education and Inclusion Service.
Absence During Term Time
We would encourage parents and carers not to take their children out of school during term time. Every day of your child’s education counts. If holidays during term time are necessary, then a request must be put in writing to the Headteacher. Requests for absences in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances as determined by the local authority.
Please visit our policies page to view our current safeguarding policies:
Internet Safety
At Brighstone, your child’s safety is very important to us. We pride ourselves on protecting your child whilst still being able to enjoy the wonders of what the internet has to offer us, not only as an amazing learning tool, but also for your child’s enjoyment.
Please visit our E-safety page on this website for further information.